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Ready, Set, Food! Paves the Way for Allergen Introduction for Infants

Feeding a baby is one of the most difficult tasks that parents must overcome. It gets especially difficult when it comes to food allergies. Parents are often overly cautious since they wouldn’t want to put their babies at a serious health risk. Fortunately, one company by the name of Ready, Set, Food! is here to change all of that, preventing babies from developing severe food allergies.

Ready, Set, Food! has already helped safely reduce the risk of food allergies in children by 80%, and the company has already helped over 200,000 babies all across the United States from developing food allergies. The system allows for a safe and efficient way for parents to gently introduce products to babies via powder packets that get added to a baby’s bottle or to their food.

The company consists of an expert medical advisory board that comprises pediatricians and allergists that help guide the company around the latest science, product innovation, and safety. Parents can guarantee that Ready, Set, Food! is a trusted company that has all their best intentions in mind. One of the company’s very first investors, CEO of Masterclass David Rogier, firmly believes in what the product is doing for the greater good, most especially around the San Francisco area. 

Most notably, early allergen introduction has become widely supported as a newly emerging medical best practice, even earning itself a place in the new USDA dietary guidelines. Recently published on December 29th, food allergy prevention has garnered clear dietary guidelines from the USDA that all parents should feed their infants allergenic foods like peanut, egg, and milk. The huge step forward wouldn’t have been possible without the thought leaders of San Francisco, leading the charge toward positive change.

Ready, Set, Food! is fully dedicated to making it easy for parents to follow the new dietary guidelines set by the USDA. The company helps parents know how and when to feed their babies with potentially allergenic foods like peanuts and eggs. The usability of its product heavily involves a critical technological component making it easy to dissolve in a bottle of breastmilk or milk formula. 

Furthermore, there is an educational component to the product since the science is relatively new, and most parents would rather not go through the risk. Yet Ready, Set, Food! assures parents nationwide that the process is entirely safe and there is absolutely no risk to it. The company has made it a mission to help the most babies as possible, and they are taking the two-pronged approach of science and technology to reinstate their credibility.

Investors have gravitated toward the massive benefits of Ready, Set, Food! Young investors based in Silicon Valley, California, and Los Angeles have really taken a liking to the company’s product and process. They even managed to partner up with Mark Cuban on an episode of Shark Tank, which has become a huge thing for the company.

Parents all over San Francisco have thoroughly enjoyed their product. Most of them know full well that one of the most important things they can do for their child’s health is to feed allergens early and often. So the company has a much higher market penetration in San Francisco than in other areas that are not as forward-looking, medically speaking. Sooner or later, the whole nation will realize the great benefits of Ready, Set, Food!

To know more about Ready, Set, Food! and the company’s remarkable product, make sure to visit its official website


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