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Why Branding is Crucial for Business Growth

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Consumer loyalty is built upon the essence of a brand, company, product, or vision. As such, strategists must consider the overall perception that a business aims to achieve, including its purpose, vision, mission, and values, which serve as the foundation for the visual aspects that we have come to know as “branding.”

Establishing trust and credibility requires more than just a flashy design, though. Companies like Patagonia and TOMS have successfully leveraged their brand identity to support social and environmental causes, appealing to consumers who prioritize sustainability and ethics. Focusing solely on superficially attractive designs may grab attention in the short term, but more is needed to establish a lasting connection with consumers.

As a business owner, I oversee all aspects of my business — including strategy, finance, marketing, sales, and customer service. Attention to detail is essential for customer satisfaction and building brand loyalty, as this often leads to a chain reaction in which the customer becomes an ambassador of your brand and relays their feedback to others through reviews or even social media. Such organic traffic is a unique element that can lead to virality and increase brand awareness.

Identify, adapt, and create value

Identifying a target audience is crucial for businesses since it defines the specific group of people to whom they aim to sell their products or services. However, as businesses grow and their branding, values, and mission resonate with consumers, the target audience may evolve as well. Therefore, it’s essential to adapt advertising campaigns, slogans, and packaging to meet the changing needs and wants of the target audience while maintaining a solid and unique brand identity. 

Moreover, businesses can use analytics offered through various services and platforms to strategize based on customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing habits. These insights can inform the business’s understanding of how to differentiate its brand offering. 

It’s also vital for companies to continuously engage with their target audience and gather feedback through surveys, social media, and other channels, as this feedback provides valuable insights into what the target audience wants and needs and how they perceive the brand. Based on this feedback, brands can make necessary changes to their products, services, and messaging to better align with their target audience.

Businesses should use the data from these interactions to develop personalized marketing campaigns and promotions that can resonate deeply with their target audience. By staying attuned to their target audience’s evolving needs and wants, businesses will ensure they remain relevant and competitive in their respective industries.

Creating a unique value proposition (UVP)

Crafting a UVP is essential for building a solid brand identity, as this distinguishes a product or service from competitors by highlighting its key benefits and advantages. Leaders, business owners, and stakeholders need to ask themselves targeted questions to create a UVP that differentiates their product or service from competitors. However, it is also necessary to communicate this UVP clearly to potential customers. 

An example of a company with an impactful, strong brand identity is Nike, whose “Just Do It” slogan and iconic swoosh logo have become synonymous with athleticism and determination. For another example, Dollar Shave Club’s “Shave Time, Shave Money” slogan highlights the convenience and affordability of its subscription service.

By articulating this information in a clear statement, brands can effectively communicate why their product or service is the superior choice for consumers compared to their competitors. As a result, a vibrant and differentiated brand identity is built on a clear, focused UVP that can be communicated effectively to potential customers.

Building trust, credibility, and loyalty

Psychologically, people seek confidence in the person, product, or service they interact with. Building trust requires consistency in customer experience, product quality, and messaging across all channels. According to Lucidpress, maintaining a consistent brand identity across all channels can boost revenue by up to 23%.

Building transparency and engaging in proactive customer interactions can foster a positive reputation, leading to long-term loyalty and success. Smaller businesses or entrepreneurs may need more resources than corporations for traditional advertising methods, such as TV commercials or billboards. 

Today’s digital age, where streaming and social media are the norm, provides engagement opportunities that can put a business on the map, such as email marketing — another powerful tool for building brand loyalty. According to Campaign Monitor, 74% of consumers prefer to receive commercial communications via email. 

In addition, influencer marketing has emerged as another way for companies to build brand awareness and credibility by partnering with influencers that mesh with their brand values. This results in reaching new audiences and establishing themselves as industry experts.

Authenticity is crucial in building brand trust, particularly when issues arise. Establishing a consistent and clear brand identity can also build customer comfort and trust, particularly for new businesses facing challenges. Brands that establish a long history of responsibility and proactive action are more likely to receive forgiveness and acceptance for missed orders or errors and thrive in an increasingly competitive market.

— Ray Sheehan is the Founder of Old City Media, a North American event production and experiential marketing agency. He has a background in strategic planning, marketing, event management, and advertising and has helped the company expand from one city to over twenty states. Before this role, Ray partnered with UpcomingEvents.com, a production company in Philadelphia and worked for 20th Century FOX. He oversaw all aspects of the business and produced a nationally syndicated television show for FOX. In 2020, he launched the G.I.F.T Program as part of Old City Media. Ray is recognized as a leader in the special events industry and an innovative thinker in the Philadelphia community and beyond.

About Old City Media

— Old City Media, Inc. is a national marketing agency helping brands connect with target demographics through experiential marketing at a fraction of the cost. This process is achieved through our robust network of clients and proven formula of brand integration.

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