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Nose Mastery: Inside the World of Rhinoplasty with Dr. Guilherme Scheibel

Nose Mastery: Inside the World of Rhinoplasty with Dr. Guilherme Scheibel
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Rhinoplasty, more commonly known to Americans as “nose jobs”, is not just about enhancing physical beauty. This procedure holds the transformative power to rejuvenate self-confidence and foster a genuine identification with one’s self-image. From Brazil to international spheres, one name prominently stands out in this specialized procedure: the otolaryngologist Dr. Guilherme Scheibel from the Scheibel Institute located in Maringá. With a rock-solid career and outstanding outcomes, he has become a go-to reference in this arena, placing the Brazilian city of Maringá on the global map for rhinoplasty.

Graduating from the esteemed Evangelical College of Paraná, Dr. Scheibel’s journey has been paved with relentless dedication and an ambition to innovate in the aesthetic domain. His residency in Otolaryngology and Cervico Facial Surgery from Santa Casa de Curitiba (PUC-PR), coupled with fellowships under the mentorship of some of the best rhinoplasty surgeons of his time, has honed his expertise. Furthermore, his specialist credentials from the Brazilian Medical Association and the Brazilian Society of Otolaryngology attest to his mastery in the field.

In an exclusive chat, Dr. Scheibel shared insights about the art and science of rhinoplasty. He stressed, “Rhinoplasty is more than mere cosmetic surgery. It’s about reshaping personal identity. My aim is to deliver results that appear natural, perfectly complementing each patient’s face while enhancing their breathing functionality.”

Nose Mastery: Inside the World of Rhinoplasty with Dr. Guilherme Scheibel

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Beyond the surgical theater, Dr. Scheibel is a celebrated speaker on the international stage of rhinoplasty. Taking his commitment to education a step further, he pioneered the world’s first “Virtual Fellow” platform for doctors. With a network of over a thousand physicians, this platform is a goldmine where Dr. Scheibel shares revolutionary techniques with otolaryngologists and plastic surgeons worldwide. “Virtual Fellow has revolutionized how surgeons grasp advanced rhinoplasty techniques. It allows access to comprehensive surgeries in a streamlined fashion, enabling learning from real-life cases. Most folks are unaware, but rhinoplasty is arguably the most intricate aesthetic surgery and quite daunting for doctors. Before this platform, a structured step-by-step guide was amiss. A single misstep could drastically mar the end result. With my approach, not only can doctors meticulously plan the surgery but can also attain outcomes that either mirror or surpass the simulation shown to the patient during the initial consultation. I’m committed to globally advancing rhinoplasty by sharing my proprietary techniques,” revealed Dr. Scheibel, who annually welcomes scores of international medical professionals to Maringá for skill enhancement.

The Scheibel Institute, his brainchild, mirrors Dr. Scheibel’s vision of holistic patient care. “At the Scheibel Institute, our mission is simple yet profound: to provide patients with an unparalleled experience. From their first interaction to years post-surgery, we want them to feel embraced and cared for. We boast a passionate, multidisciplinary team that excels at sculpting noses and, in essence, crafting dreams,” he proudly shares.

Recognizing the emotional weight that comes with the decision to undergo rhinoplasty, Dr. Scheibel emphasized the holistic care his institute offers. “We understand that opting for rhinoplasty is deeply personal, often riddled with expectations and anxiety. Hence, we provide psychological support throughout—from planning to post-op recovery—ensuring patients feel confident and secure.”

On the surgical front, the doctor elaborated on the innovative methods employed at his Institute. “We’re always in pursuit of excellence. We’ve pioneered surgical tools, techniques, and technologies that enable precise changes, ensuring predictable and safe outcomes. One notable method we employ is ultrasonic bone remodeling, which obviates the need to break nasal bones, leading to a less painful post-operative phase and quicker recovery.”

For Dr. Scheibel, patient satisfaction isn’t confined to the operating room. “Our commitment is to be there for our patients at every step, from travel planning assistance to post-operative care, with a 24/7 responsive team. Every patient should feel cherished and attentively cared for at every juncture,” he accentuated.

To learn more about Dr. Guilherme Scheibel, be sure to follow him on Instagram: @rinoplastiascheibel.

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