Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker Setting Women Up for a Successful Life Without Limits

Moving to a higher level requires taking important steps, and for women, taking those crucial steps does not come naturally. Women are often more easily held back from following through with their passions and interests for numerous reasons. Seasoned and professional health and life coach Dr. Marcea Burnette believes every woman should thrive and, thus, built practices to help women achieve their dreams.

Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker is the founder and CEO of In Full Bloom Health and Life Coaching and Women Ready to Move Academy. She is a qualified physician and life coach who has been recognized for her work in business and changing people’s lives. She was named in the “Top 15 Entrepreneurs to Watch” by USA Today and was also featured in Courageous Woman and Columbia Inspired magazines.

With 25 years of experience in public health and as a medical practitioner, Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker has recognized the importance of the mind in life and health. She has now dedicated her knowledge and expertise to harnessing the power of the mind to push women to their success and liberate them from their personal life prisons. Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker works with professional women and helps them break free to finally live without limits.

Her qualifications and experience as a mother, physician, life coach, former pastor’s wife, and women’s conference speaker have equipped her with diverse knowledge and perspective on different ways to help people live up to their potential. Through the Women Ready to Move Academy, she helps women discover their true selves, decide what they want for themselves, and go all out to achieve it. “I cater to professional women who are highly successful in one or more areas, such as their career, but they struggle silently in other areas,” Dr. Whitaker shared. “Women are known to struggle through it all from the workplace to relationships to finances. We are frequently the mover and shaker in our circles, the one with the answers, but we have reached the ceiling of where we can take ourselves. I teach professional women how to break free and get to their next level.”

Dr. Marcea holds the GroundBreaker Milestone Achievement Award presented by Dr. Sonja Stribling, the #1 Life and Business Strategist for Women. Getting recognized and honored from various fronts for her work gives Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker the fuel to keep forging ahead on the path she has chosen. She has also interacted with women from all walks of life and heard their stories firsthand. “When women share their stories, I hear what they say and equally important what they don’t say. I identify their challenges and then draw out the solutions to provide the strategy, the system, and the accountability to get them to their destination.” 

As she continues to grow her coaching practice and build women up, Dr. Marcea sees the next few years as one filled with immense success, not just for herself but also for her clients. She sees herself building a multimillion-dollar brand and business, speaking to thousands, connecting with women through public speaking  and published works, and coaching thousands of women to their next level. In addition, she hopes to continue the work of waking up the mindset that believes “more is possible” in the women that she serves.Learn more about Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker and her work at In Full Bloom Health and Life Coaching on the website.


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