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Transforming Adversity into Opportunity: An Exclusive Interview with Dave Sanderson, Hudson Miracle Survivor and Author

Adversity to Opportunity Interview with Dave Sanderson
Photo Courtesy: Dave Sanderson

By: Michael Beas – Atlas Elite Publishing

In this exclusive interview with Dave Sanderson, a famous speaker and author of “The Limitless Life,” we talk about how leaders can deal with tough situations and become more resilient. Sanderson takes on common myths head-on, focusing on how bad luck is temporary and the age-old saying “This too shall pass.” From his own experiences, he tells an inspiring story about how he overcame problems caused by the COVID-19 outbreak while working at Oracle. This shows that suffering can be turned into chance with planning and genuine compassion. Sanderson encourages leaders to be resilient and flexible by showing them examples of people like Ed Bastain at Delta Airlines who put the needs of their coworkers ahead of their own. When he gives advice, he stresses how important it is to have a guide and come up with your own solutions to problems, both in your personal and business life. Sanderson finally talks about the thin line between desire and resilience. He tells leaders to keep a bigger picture in mind while balancing their personal and professional goals in order to get past their egos and help the group succeed. Through his experiences and observations, Sanderson gives leaders priceless advice on how to deal with the complexity of suffering and doubt

Q: In your experience, what are some common misconceptions about overcoming adversity that leaders often encounter?

A: Adversity is permanent.  Nothing in life is permanent other than death.  I write in my book The Limitless Life of the lesson of “This too shall Pass.” 

Q:Can you share a specific example from your own life or career where you faced adversity and successfully turned it into an opportunity?

A: When COVID-19 happened, I was working with Oracle and responsible for enterprise healthcare in the southeast.  I was checking in with my prospective clients and one told me they were in dire need of getting N95 masks.  I used my connections to help them and then other healthcare organizations source masks so they could get what they needed to support their nurses and doctors to be there for those who were suffering.  This action showed my prospective clients that I would be with them when times get tough during and after they selected and implemented their solution.  

Q: How do you believe leaders can foster a culture of resilience and adaptability within their teams or organizations?

A: Leaders have to instill certainty in their management and also the front-line workers.  Leaders such as Ed Bastain from Delta Airlines are a great model on how you check your ego at the door, get out of your office, and understand what are the driving needs of your team.

Q: What strategies do you recommend for leaders who are navigating uncertain and challenging circumstances, both personally and professionally?

A: Have a mentor who will give you candid feedback and help you build creative solutions to face uncertainty.

Q: You mentioned the importance of setting and achieving goals. How can leaders effectively balance ambition with resilience in the face of setbacks? 

A: Leaders typically have some level of ego to get where they are. what CEOs ask me to help them with is showing their teams how aligning their mission starts with keeping the main thing the main thing, aligning their personal goals with their habits and professional goals which will help check their personal ego at the door to look at the bigger picture.

Download The Limitless Life: Strategies For Creating Opportunity Out of Uncertainty From The Miracle On The Hudson today!


Published by: Khy Talara

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