In the realm of entertainment, a show’s cast plays a pivotal role in bringing the story to life and captivating audiences. The forthcoming sitcom, “Union,” is no exception, boasting a stellar ensemble cast that promises to infuse the series with laughter, authenticity, and relatability. In this article, we introduce you to the talented individuals who will embody the characters of “Union” and make the show a must-watch television event.
Monroe Alise as “Tracy”
Stepping into the shoes of “Tracy” in “Union” is the versatile and talented Monroe Alise. Known for her ability to inhabit diverse roles with grace and authenticity, Alise is poised to bring depth and charisma to her character. “Tracy” is not just a name; she’s a reflection of the multifaceted nature of life within the Union District Oyster Bar. Monroe Alise’s portrayal promises to be a highlight of the show, adding a layer of relatability that viewers will connect with.
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Ernest Thomas as “Chic”
Ernest Thomas, celebrated for his iconic portrayal of Roger “Raj” in the classic sitcom “What’s Happening!!” and “Everybody Hates Chris,” takes on the role of “Chic” in “Union.” Thomas’s seasoned talent and comedic timing make him a perfect fit for this character. “Chic” is more than just a name; he embodies the essence of charm and wit, promising to be a character who provides both laughter and heartwarming moments in the series. Ernest Thomas’s performance in “Union” is eagerly anticipated by fans of his previous work and newcomers alike.
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Vernon Davis as “Kich”
Adding a sports twist to the mix, two-time Pro Bowler and Super Bowl champion Vernon Davis joins the ensemble cast of “Union” as “Kich.” Davis, a former standout with the San Francisco 49ers, Denver Broncos, and Washington Commanders, brings his unique charisma and energy to the show. “Kich” is more than a character; he represents the dynamic nature of the Union District and its vibrant community. Vernon Davis’s transition from the football field to the small screen is an exciting development, and his performance in “Union” promises to be a touchdown.
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Shar Jackson as “Ladonna”
Shar Jackson, recognized for her role as “Niecy” in the popular sitcom “Moesha,” lends her charm and charisma to the character of “Ladonna” in “Union.” With a wealth of experience in television, Jackson is well-equipped to breathe life into this role. “Ladonna” is more than just a name; she embodies the spirit of the Union District Oyster Bar and its lively atmosphere. Shar Jackson’s portrayal promises to add a layer of authenticity and relatability to the show that will resonate with viewers.
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Tommy Davidson as “Mitch”
Leading the ensemble cast of “Union” is the award-winning actor and comedian Tommy Davidson, celebrated for his iconic roles in “Proud Family” and “In Living Color.” Davidson’s unique comedic brilliance and infectious energy are set to infuse “Mitch,” his character in “Union,” with a level of charisma that will be hard to forget. “Mitch” is not just a name; he’s the life of the party and the heart of the Union District Oyster Bar. Tommy Davidson’s performance promises to be a masterclass in comedy, making “Mitch” a character that viewers will eagerly anticipate seeing in every episode.
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With the cast of “Union” boasting such accomplished and dynamic performers as Monroe Alise as “Tracy,” Ernest Thomas as “Chic,” Vernon Davis as “Kich,” Shar Jackson as “Ladonna,” and Tommy Davidson as “Mitch,” it’s evident that this sitcom is poised to make waves in the world of television. Their collective talents, charisma, and ability to connect with their characters and with each other on-screen promise to create an unforgettable viewing experience.
As “Union” takes center stage, viewers can look forward to a delightful fusion of comedy, relatable stories, and the unique charm that only a talented ensemble cast can bring to the small screen. With these extraordinary individuals at the helm, “Union” is set to become a beloved part of television history, leaving a lasting impact on audiences and carving its place in the annals of memorable sitcoms.
About Union Films
Union District Films (UDF) is a Fully Integrated Global Media and Communications Company based in Washington DC. The company was founded in 2020 by Russell Webster & Shyam Rao. UDF Develop, Create and Produce Feature Films, TV Series and Commercials
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