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Immigration and U.S. Borders: An Overview of Trump’s 2024 Vision

Immigration and U.S. Borders An Overview of Trump's 2024 Vision
Photo: Unsplash.com

Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign places a strong emphasis on immigration reform and border security. These issues, which were central to his initial political rise, remain key components of his current platform. Trump’s proposals focus on enhancing border security, resuming border wall construction, reforming asylum policies, and addressing the activities of drug cartels.

Border Wall Construction 

One of Trump’s primary objectives is to resume and complete the construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall. He argues that this measure is essential for reducing illegal immigration and preventing the trafficking of drugs and people into the United States. During his first term, his administration worked on building or reinforcing 450 miles of the border wall, though much of this involved upgrading existing structures. Trump’s 2024 plan seeks to finish the construction, citing it as a key national security priority.

Proponents of the border wall believe that it helps deter illegal crossings and provides U.S. Border Patrol agents with better tools to manage vulnerable areas along the border. From their perspective, a secure border strengthens national sovereignty and law enforcement.

Immigration Law Enforcement 

Immigration and U.S. Borders An Overview of Trump's 2024 Vision (2)

Photo Courtesy: Meridian Beverly Hills Investment and Legal Group

Trump’s platform also includes strict enforcement of immigration laws, with a focus on deporting undocumented individuals. His 2024 campaign emphasizes the importance of maintaining law and order, and he proposes measures to remove those who have overstayed their visas or entered the country illegally. Supporters of this approach believe that strict enforcement will help reduce crime, protect American jobs, and deter future illegal immigration.

Asylum Law Reform

Another area of Trump’s immigration vision involves reforming asylum laws. His proposal seeks to tighten asylum criteria, arguing that the current system is overburdened and subject to abuse. Trump’s plan advocates for faster processing of asylum claims and stricter requirements for individuals seeking asylum in the U.S. He suggests policies such as requiring asylum seekers to apply for protection in the first country they enter, known as the “safe third country” principle.

Combating Drug Cartels

A key element of Trump’s border security agenda is the proposal to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations. This designation would allow the U.S. government to take stronger action against the cartels, including targeting their leadership and operations. Trump’s plan emphasizes the role of cartels in the production and trafficking of drugs, particularly fentanyl, which has had a significant impact on public health in the U.S.


Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign for the presidency places significant importance on immigration reform and border security. His proposals include completing the border wall, enforcing stricter immigration laws, overhauling asylum policies, and addressing the influence of drug cartels. These initiatives are framed as necessary measures to protect national security, safeguard the economy, and uphold the rule of law. While these policies resonate with Trump’s political supporters, they are subject to ongoing debate and differing perspectives on their effectiveness and broader implications.

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew for U.S Senate

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Published by: Holy Minoza

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