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Dr. Sarah Sun Liew: A Portrait of Leadership in Nonprofit, Academia, and Public Service

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew- A Portrait of Leadership in Nonprofit, Academia, and Public Service
Photo: Unsplash.com

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew’s career is a testament to her enduring commitment to community service, educational excellence, and economic development. As a senior pastor, CEO, professor, real estate expert, and U.S. Senate candidate, Dr. Liew embodies a unique blend of leadership that spans various crucial sectors of society. This article explores Dr. Liew’s comprehensive background and her significant contributions through her roles in nonprofit leadership, community service, and beyond.

Nonprofit Leadership and Community Impact

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew- A Portrait of Leadership in Nonprofit, Academia, and Public Service

Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

As the CEO and principal of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Meridian Business Legal Investment Wish Foundation Inc., Dr. Liew has made substantial contributions to local and broader communities by focusing on educational programs and job creation. Her leadership has catalyzed significant economic development and provided numerous opportunities for the younger generation, equipping them with the skills necessary to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Under her guidance, the foundation has become a cornerstone for local economic enhancement, reflecting her deep commitment to fostering opportunity and prosperity.

Educational Excellence and Entrepreneurial Spirit

In her dual role as principal and professor at MIT University (Meridian Institute of Technology), Dr. Liew combines academic rigor with practical business acumen. She is dedicated to preparing students not just for professional careers but for leadership roles that require a blend of ethical decision-making, strategic thinking, and innovative problem-solving skills. Her academic leadership is informed by her own extensive educational background, with multiple doctoral and master’s degrees from some of the world’s leading institutions including Harvard Business School and Wharton Business School.

Real Estate and Financial Expertise

After completing her education at Wiltshire Real Estate School in 1996, Dr. Liew founded three real estate and finance companies. Her successful tenure in this industry, including a notable stint at Berkshire Hathaway Beverly Hills, underscores her prowess in navigating the complex landscape of real estate investments and financial management. Her expertise in these fields not only showcases her capability as a savvy investor and broker but also her ability to lead and manage large-scale business operations.

Global Banking and Merchant Services Leadership

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew: A Portrait of Leadership in Nonprofit, Academia, and Public Service

Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

As the CEO of MPS Merchant Services Group, Dr. Liew has played a pivotal role in supporting small business owners. By facilitating strategic partnerships with major processing companies and banks like Worldpay by FIS, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, she has contributed to broadening the scope of job training and financial support available to entrepreneurs across various sectors.

Advocacy in Legal and Investment Immigration

Leading the Meridian Beverly Hills Investment and Legal Group LLC & Global Investment Immigration, Dr. Liew provides comprehensive legal services that support the American dream. Her work in this area focuses on investment immigration, which is critical for job creation and economic growth in California. This role highlights her adeptness in navigating the complex legal nuances of immigration and investment, further showcasing her commitment to enhancing economic opportunities.

Public Service and Political Engagement

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew- A Portrait of Leadership in Nonprofit, Academia, and Public Service

Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

As a Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Dr. Liew is deeply committed to addressing and solving key issues such as justice, poverty prevention, and improving the quality of life for future generations. Her campaign is built on her profound understanding of societal needs, fueled by her extensive experience and academic insights.

Upcoming Contributions

Dr. Liew’s forthcoming book, “Franchise Regal Service Opportunities,” promises to further illuminate her expertise in business and legal frameworks, offering readers valuable insights into franchising and immigration consulting. This publication is anticipated to be a significant addition to her already impressive repertoire of contributions to public knowledge and practice.


Dr. Sarah Sun Liew’s diverse roles and accomplishments reflect a lifetime dedicated to public service, educational empowerment, and community development. Her leadership across various capacities—whether in education, real estate, banking, or politics—demonstrates a commitment to not just succeeding in these fields but also to making a substantial positive impact on society.

For those interested in learning more about Dr. Liew’s initiatives or seeking engagement opportunities, please visit her websites at www.meridianwish.com, www.sarahsenator.org, or www.gjesusmc.org. She can also be contacted via email at info@meridianwish.com, mgroupbh7@gmail.com, or info@drsarahliewforcongress.com. Through these platforms, Dr. Liew continues to inspire and lead projects that embody her vision of service and leadership.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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