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Boost SEO with Blogs: Kyle Duncan’s Proven Strategy

Boost SEO with Blogs: Kyle Duncan's Proven Strategy
Photo Courtesy: Kyle Duncan

By: Hannah Scott

A successful SEO strategy is a key element with blogging: consistency. The direct correlation between the two stems from how companies use official blogs to align with SEO algorithms.

Kyle A. Duncan owns Kyle A. Duncan SEO agency, which focuses on strategies to propel businesses to the first page and understands the importance of blog writing. His brush with disappointing digital marketing work from many agencies led him to open his agency and bet on SEO as the effective digital marketing practice.

“To practice SEO effectively, blog writing is a place to start. This is the organic way that search engines would reward with organic traffic as well,” Kyle A. Duncan said.

How Blog Writing Boosts SEO

Blog writing regularly helps businesses build their credibility with search engines. It can also help businesses contribute to a conversation found online that relates to the keyword that the businesses targeted. 

“Blog content relevance with the keywords helps search engines to recognize a business’ website as a source of credible information. This way, search engines can verify that a website is original and active,” Kyle A. Duncan said.

With a carefully researched keyword list that is being targeted, a business can then create a blog plan to publish two to three blog posts per week based on each business need. “Two blog posts per week should be ideal. More wouldn’t hurt as long as it’s relevant and original,” Kyle A. Duncan added.

A well-defined blog plan simplifies the process of researching, writing, and publishing, ensuring consistency. Consistent blog publishing with quality content in the long term can create a wealth of content archives that can be reused and updated and become an asset in itself. This content can be compounded and become a piece that’s being backlinked by other relevant websites, which only boosts the business’ ranking on search engines. 

A Different Type of Blog Content for Business

A business can base itself on different types of blog content, such as content that answers a question within the industry, a deep dive into a certain industry insight with how-to articles, and customers’ success stories. These three types of content should be enough to start and continue building blog content with the intent to educate and to become an industry expert for the business.

Blog and Search Engine Ranking Factor

Search engine ranking factors, like Google’s, will consider blog content original because some parts of blog writing for SEO touch on these factors. 

The first one is the organic Click-Through Rate (CTR), which will examine a blog post’s relevance with mentions of keywords more than another website page. This will help improve organic clicks that catapult the business’ website forward. 

“How does this organic CTR work with blog writing for SEO? Well, people search online for different intentions, and blog post is a great medium for sharing information that are pointers for questions being searched online. This improves SEO for your business,” Kyle A. Duncan explained.

Next, search engines work by crawling site pages, which is where index coverage in blog writing matters. The search engine finds and then adds business content to its index before a search engine can rank a page. After being indexed, when a search in keywords related to the indexed page, the business’ site will then be displayed as search results.

To work with an indexing strategy, blog content must be relevant, educational, and link-worthy, which will be other relevant websites’ consideration to backlink to the blog content.

“In summary, blog writing is the simplest way to start building SEO around one’s business, but it also takes a lot of time to build and consistency, but it sure will pay off in the long run,” Kyle A. Duncan remarked.


Published By: Aize Perez

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